Distance Education

2020-2021 Fall Semester


Statements on the Implementation of Distance Education in 2020-2021 Fall Semester

• As the family of Istanbul Technical University, due to our sensitivity towards protecting the health of our students, faculty members and administrative staff, it has been decided to conduct education at undergraduate and graduate levels with the “distance learning” method in the 2020-2021 Fall semester under pandemic conditions.
• Distance education will be conducted in the fall semester using the Ninova Platform. However, the work for implementing the new alternative platform is about to be completed. An announcement about this platform will be made soon.
• You can access videos on the use of Ninova at the following web address. In addition, a pdf file explaining the use of Ninova was shared with all our students via e-mail. Ninova
• Laboratory lessons will be conducted in a synchronous or asynchronous way with distance education. Videos are prepared by our departments that will conduct asynchronous laboratory lessons.
• Studies conducted in laboratories at master's and doctoral levels will continue provided that the necessary precautions determined by the faculty and department administrations are taken.
• Internship can be carried out face to face in the fall semester upon the request of our students and the approval of the relevant companies.
• Also, with the approval of the internship committee of the department to which the student is affiliated, internship which is considered as appropriate can be conducted online “only in the fall semester due to pandemic conditions”.
• The Distance Education Procedures-Principles were updated by our Senate on 8.10.2020. You can reach the Procedures and Principles at the following address:http://www.sis.itu.edu.tr/tr/yonetmelik/uzaktanegitim.pdf
• As detailed in the Distance Education Procedures and Principles, the assessment and evaluation are aimed to be carried out throughout the term. The weight of the final exam is limited except for "Applied courses - Projects".
• The attendance requirement to be applied in the courses will be announced to our students at the beginning of the semester by the instructor assigned to teach the relevant course.
• It is stated in the Procedures and Principles that in exams, it is required to identify our students with a camera. The following statement is taken from the Distance Education Procedures and Principles announced by The Council of Higher Education (YÖK): “Based on the principle of "transparency and auditability" in exams to be held in digital environments, to the extent permitted by the legislation and the Learning Management System or the digital environments where the exam is held, exam security measures are applied” (Article 12 (4)).
• Distance Education Procedures and Principles of the Council of Higher Education can be found at the following address: Yükseköğretim Uzaktan Öğretim İlişkin Usul ve Esaslar

İTÜ Rectorate

Different Time (Asynchronous) Education

In asynchronous education, education material is presented to students in a digital environment. The students and the instructor interact with methods such as question and answer at different times.

Simultaneous (Synchronous) Education

In synchronous education, students and instructors are found in electronic environment (such as video conferencing, TV) simultaneously. The course is handled interactively in this environment.

Distance Education Courses


Assignments are announced to students and assignments can be uploaded by students via Ninova.


Homework, quiz and exam grades entered by instructors are shared with students.


All digital course materials such as presentations, PDFs, images are shared with students.


Students can access distance education records simultaneously.


Instructors can send messages to selected or all students.


Students interact with other students and instructor(s) via the forum.



The ITU library provides e-resources, trial accesses and online training links, offered from publishers and education stakeholders that provide free access, for a certain period of time.

Detailed Information

Remote Use of Licensed Software

You can use our VPN infrastructure to use licensed software off campus. Academic staff and all of our students who take courses that the use of licensed software are compulsory can benefit from this service.

Using VPN

I'm an Instructor

How Do I Start Distance Education?

I'm a Student

How Do I Participate in Distance Education?

The Zoom application must be installed on your computer or mobile device.

Zoom Installation Videos

All Documents Related to Distance Education


Distance Education Videos

All Videos

Our Mental Health during Social Distancing and Distance Education Days

While living the distance education experience in social distancing environment due to COVID-19, we also need to protect our mental health. The Psychological Counseling and Guidance Center is at your side for the measures we can take to protect our mental health and for all kinds of support.

Detailed Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Can’t find the answer to your question? Create Help Ticket to Submit Your Question

Distance Education Call Center

0212 365 81 00 (30 Hat)
0212 285 39 30 (8 Hat)